Windows Vista Eternity 2009

Author: Unknown // Category: ,
Ever complained of some problems with your Vista OS?

Rocker's Team International Operating System (former Black Edition Team) offers a new OS that was specially designed to eliminate those complaints!

Meet the new Windows Vista Eternity 2009!

I might not be an expert in these kicks, but this could just be the coolest OS in town, with it's dock tools right on top of the desktop, the one in yellow (or is that orange? I just could not judge colors correctly)...

You can opt to change the colors and appearance of the dock according to your own personalities. Just click the dock settings, and this window will appear.

And meet the cool gadgets incorporated in it...

And that's not just that, there's more to it than cool gadgets and smoothe and suave desktop. As I said earlier, the Rockers Team tweaked this OS so that those troubles you had with the former Vista OS are eliminated. The only thing that I am slightly flustered about is its slow shutting down. But other than that, it's a funky find.

So what are you waiting for?
Change that problematic OS of yours and explore this hot new Windows Vista Eternity 2009!

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